Friday, February 13, 2009

Friends Are Fish (Sometimes Food)

EMO NEMO Pictures, Images and Photos

I don't know what everyone wants me to do.
Friends are fish...
they are the most slipperest values in my hands.
Once they swim away,
I shouldn't remember how far they swam.
I just gotta keep up with the ones
that are still alive in my tank.

I have no one to trust. I lost my old male friends because those sensitive bastards are easily heart-broken, confused and/or just dumbasses. I am tired of evrybody talking about me. Hell, I may walk around like nothing can hurt me, but I rather be hurt by sticks and stones than words. Words are terrible. Having friends who use words against you is horrible. I can't care because people come and go. I know one thing, no one has a better excuse to why they don't want to be friends with me anymore. I am not innocent, but no one has proof that I am guilty. If I ever talked behind other people's backs or murdered someone's family then all my X friends have an awesome reason to ban me from being friends. Honestly though, I am not begging anybody back. I just need to get it out...and I promise not to add more chips to the table.
I am not friendless, I have friends that don't even associate with the ones I am talking about. I never brought them into any situation. I never even use them to say something to others. I am not a bad friend. I am the golden retriever. I am man's best friend: loyal, honest, obedient, and sensitive. I am the last person who would always stick around and the last person you'll regret losing.
As I told my stalker, those people are not haters. I don't have what it takes to feel compassionate. I am not artistic, or better than they. We were just different people. And since it takes one to know another person. I guess I can say they are a little fake and not true to their words. I'm fake too, and not a lot of people will admit that. I know one thing, to the people that I thought who were my friends...I have never caused any drama in ya'll lives. Not once have I called you guys out of your names, like you have to me about me. I just know that I will not aplogize for anything I didn't say or do. And despite certain friends that want me to apologize to you people, I will say this. You guys are human just like me...worthless pieces of shit who can't do nothing but hurt others with words...adjectives that meant a lot to me!

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